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Daily Grind

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Facts about the different grind coarseness and which one is best for each brew method.

Whole Bean

Grind Your Own

Have you ever smelled fresh ground coffee? If not, you are missing out! What a beautiful way to start your morning. Do you multiple different brewing machines? Whole beans give you the option to grind each cup to fit with your brewing needs! Grinding your own whole beans also gives you the ability to have power over your coffee's flavor. Different grind sizes determine brewing speed and the flavor profile of your cup! You even have the option to mix beans and create your own blend!


French Press & Cold Brew

A French Press is a coffee brewing device that allows the roasted and ground gourmet coffee to steep directly in the water before the grounds are separated from the brewed coffee using a plunger with a filter on the end.

Cold brewing, on the other hand, is a method of brewing that combines ground coffee and cool water and uses time instead of heat to extract the flavor. It is brewed in small batches and steeped for as long as 48 hours. The result is a cold brew coffee concentrate.


Pour Over

The pour over method involves pouring hot water through coffee grounds in a filter. The water drains through the coffee and filter into a carafe or mug. The idea is to create fresh and rich flavor notes that you may be missing out on with a normal coffee maker.


Machine Drip & Siphon

Drip coffee is brewed through the machine itself pulling cold filtered water out of a reservoir and using a combination of heat and pressure to warm the water and siphon it up through the machine. After this, the hot water is filtered down through the grounds.

A siphon coffee pot has two chambers, a carafe on the bottom and a coffee brewer on top. Water goes into the bottom carafe, and ground coffee into the top brewer. When the bottom carafe is exposed to heat, the water vaporizes, creating pressure inside the bottom container. The water vapor makes its way up to the top chamber where the coffee is, and brewing takes place. Remove the siphon brewer from heat, and the opposite occurs: the cooled-down bottom chamber draws out all of the liquid from the upper chamber. When the liquid from the upper chamber is drawn back down to the carafe, it passes through a filter, leaving the coffee grounds behind. What’s left is a carafe of fresh coffee that’s bright, rich, and well-filtered.


Moka Pot & Espresso

A compact Italian-made eight-sided wonder, the moka pot makes espresso-style coffee without the need for a large, expensive, high-maintenance machine. Invented in 1933 by Italian engineer Alfonso Bialetti, the elegant three-chambered pot relies on pressure generated by simple stovetop steam, which builds up in the lowest chamber and pushes up through the coffee grounds. The resulting coffee is robust and hearty.

Espresso is brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee under extremely high pressure. This results in a highly concentrated shot of coffee with a caramelly sweetness and a distinctive crema (layer of foam) on top.

Extra Fine

Turkish Coffee Pot

Turkish coffee is very finely ground coffee brewed by boiling. Coffee and water, usually with added sugar, is brought to the boil in a special pot called cezve usually made of copper or brass. As soon as the mixture begins to froth, and before it boils over, it is taken off the heat; it may be briefly reheated twice more to increase the desired froth. Sometimes about one-third of the coffee is distributed to individual cups; the remaining amount is returned to the fire and distributed to the cups as soon as it comes to the boil. The coffee grounds are left in the coffee when served.

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